Monday, August 16, 2010
Cool links and an update!
I just found a really interesting (I think) physiological oddity, check out the link:
Also!!! An AMAZING website with resources to help transform your eating and cooking habits to be more local, cheaper, and balanced when looking at global food economy:
As for the garden, we've had a slow couple of weeks but have released our first newsletter, with the next one coming later today!
Our cucumber plants are struggling with a wilting disease; at the start of the summer, I thought that cucumber beetles were only dangerous to the seedlings of these plants, eating at the stem and causing them to wither. Turns out that cucumber beetles are dangerous once the plants are adult as well, by transmitting a wilting disease from plant to plant. This is exactly what has happened to our cucumber plants, at this point we're hoping to salvage as many as we can though it doesn't look too good. For next year I think I'll recommend that they continue hunting cucumber beetles into the plant's adulthood, though I wonder if that would be effective?
Right now available for sale or for pick up on Thursdays 12-1pm in the Macdonald Stewart Lobby on campus, or Saturdays 9am-2pm at Marche Ste-Anne, we have:
Cherry tomatoes
Green beans
Swiss Chard
Spicy Asian Greens
Red Romaine (almost done!)
Hot peppers
Ground cherries
Asian Radish (larger and stronger flavour than normal radish)
If you email us we can put aside a selection of items for you to pick up. We've been having trouble with wasting vegetables since we are only harvesting once a week for the market; so if you are at all interested in receiving veggies during the week other than Thursday or Saturday, please let us know!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Open Gardens on Full Moon Sky
Monday, July 19, 2010
Transitions & Communications
Last tuesday, July 13th, Emily and I were on the air with Ryan Young's show Ecolibrium (CKUT 90.3 fm) Check out:
It was a great experience for all of us. Thanks to Ryan for inviting us!
We've been up to so much in the last few weeks. I can hardly realize 3 weeks have already passed since the end of june!
Liberated greenhouse plants |
Beginning of a raised bed |
Not quite the obvious task. None of us had done it before. We didn't build very high beds for security sake and anyways, we will not have plants in there that necessitate so much rooting space... or so we thought (stay tuned :)
Now the shrubs are in. 3 seating areas are created with rocks, wood stumps and hay (on a little hay hill ;) The soil has been delivered. Our task this week is to get the beds all ready. This means turning over the grass killed by the cardboard that has been laying on it for a while now. Hopefully this will be enough to discourage unwanted plants to grow there and be food for worms&friends. We'll mix some compost also from the Gorilla Composting of Macdonald Campus (our tripartite partner :) perhaps even leaning towards the "Lasagna" gardening style. Still need to look into this further.
Check out for composting & for lasagna gardening
So in terms of beds for the Meditation Garden we are still planning on building one more. We were given funding by the Macdonald Community Garden to get shrubs and vines. As we were waiting on getting the foundations (the stone beds) established in the space before transplanting the shrubs, we will start taking pictures to show all of you via this web spider (uploading pictures on a Picassa Album -blogs are not the best for them, unless we just couldn't figure it out) how it now looks with those beautiful shrubs (blueberries, black and red currents, rasberries, roses, elderberries). We placed them in the space thinking of access to the fruit shrubs -harvesting!- and the beds, the general flow of the walking area, the visual pleasure and keeping a sense of enclosure while fostering the openess of the gardens.
And since this is an Open Garden... we would Love to see you too! So this is an invitation to all of You to come and Celebrate with us on the 25th of July.
This sunday at 6pm at the Meditation Garden (beside the Mac Community Garden) we will be holding a pot luck to thank all of you for making this happen and introduce you to our Gardens.
I would also like to invite you to join us for a Yoga/Chi Kung/Dance session at the Meditation Garden (under the CC's roof if its raining or too wet). Sessions are resilient to the participants. I'll guide a movement/centering hour were each participant can feel good after. Days are 6:15 to 7:15 monday evenings and thursday mornings. Contact us for more information. Check out my myspace for credentials postalpoems It's free :)
Andrea H
p.s. these pictures date from a few weeks back
Picasa Album
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hort center update

It finally feels like our plot at the hort center is under way. The picture here is us laying black plastic mulch for weed suppression (shades weeds from sun) and to extend the season by keeping our plants warm into the fall as the black absorbs heat from the sun. This was a pretty crazy undertaking as we did it all by hand. The trick is to tuck the corners of the plastic underground pretty tightly so that the wind doesn't rip the plastic by flapping it around. We very intelligently did this at the hottest time of the day, not recommended in the future. While it feels kind of weird covering the soil in plastic, this is a good way to suppress weeds without herbicides, and the plastic is corn-based and photodegradable so it won't have to go in a landfill at the end of its life.
The next picture shows our plants poking out of the plastic, awwww. The closest plastic row is cucumber, then behind is squash and then tomato. Now all we can do is let them do their thing. And water them and think positive thoughts.
At this point all of the rows at the hort center are planted, at least partially. We have some leeks that aren't quite ready to leave the greenhouse, but everyone else is living life in the field. I wish we had a picture of us transporting the seedlings. We don't have a tractor or anything so we use our bikes and sometimes we have to get creative. Balancing trays of okra seedlings on handlebars has proven to be impossible and even tragic (we lost one in the crash I'm afraid), but peppers and eggplants are more manageable. It's pretty awesome to be replacing fossil fuel energy with human energy and silliness, and at this scale it just makes sense, time-wise. We may need to build a trailer or something if we get more/further land next summer.
That's it for now!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
HOW embarassing
The Hort Center garden, our biggest one, is looking good. We have been delayed due to rain and availability of materials, but we now have a nice row of tomatoes and another of onions, Shungiku (edible Villa Incognito by Tom Robbins, these flowers are magical!), marigold and dill. We also snuck a few poppies on the ends of rows. The flowers are to attract pollinators and pest predators, but also they`re just so darn pretty. Gotta have a nice work environment.
Finally, big news, our first vegetable was produced this week, got ourselves a little green pepper in the community garden. I`ll put up pictures soon. I felt like an overexcited parent on their kid`s first day of school, taking pictures from every angle. We can`t be cool all the time I guess.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Flea beetles and RAIN (an uplifting post)

eggplants and peppers, as well as all of the Ladybug and Purple Martin plots. They avoided our May Queen lettuce for some reason (thanks guys). I don't know about everyone else but I have a pretty protective attachment to our plants and it's quite possible that I sing to them in the greenhouse when I'm potting them up and no one is around...they REALLY like "Golden Slumbers"... The point being, this kind of attack can be pretty traumatizing for both the plants and myself. We are using this garlic spray to try to combat the flea beetles. Ingredients: three heads garlic, 1tsp Dr Bronners soap and lots of water. The greenhouse and our plot at the CG smell pretty bad right now. While we were spraying there was a small girl and her mother having a bonding experience gardening and we just might have ruined it with our aroma. Sad times. We are hoping that this spray will work. We ran into a Mac prof who uses spray made of Neem, that magical tree whose virtues are extolled by my hero Vandana Shiva. So there is hope if this doesn't work out.
Also, the rain these past couple of days has set us back a bit. The land at the Hort center is super clay, so we have developed a severe fear of compaction here. In this wet weather there is not much we can do in the field so we have been getting ourselves super organized for next week when we will be putting a lot of our seeds in the ground (parsnips, rutabaga, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...) and transplanting our onions...AND laying the mulch and row covers. Monday should be a pretty beastly day. Again, nothing we can't handle (*manly grunt sound*)
Lets end this on a positive note: we have been getting some pretty sweet volunteers, who have not complained about weeding or the sun or how smelly the garden is right now. Thanks guys!
We are at the Mac Market as usual this Saturday 9-2, where this week you can listen to the lovely fiddle tunes of our most die-hard volunteer Anna Elbon. Get excited.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Clean Food, Organic Agriculture (2005)
For example, some guy interviewed (ooh! that's bad quotation!) said that organic farming was partly created to bring transparency to the agricultural system. Although I had never formulated this thought, I feel comfortable with it... What do you think? Is it reasonable to affirm this? In my personal experience, the event of organic agriculture has certainly brought about a lot of discussions on origins and opening up to where food came from. But was that because it's organic, or was it a mandate a lot of organic producers believed in? The conventional animal farm at the school is certainly very open about its process... Was it just not reaching me before I found an interest in it?
Also, maybe the same guy, or another (!) brought up how choosing to buy organics meant that one had a real impact on preserving life. This point was expressed by Vandana Shiva (I knew of her, so it was easier to remember) as a "moral obligation to be a co-producer of a sustainable, healthy, just, peaceful economy of food". Her choice of words resonate with me. She also added "the moment we are choosing the food we eat, we are supporting the production system". But that ain't just about food... Knowing what's behind our buck is a full time leisure activity. I would like to be more coherent in my spending... But the I fear the consequences... No computer (programs made to last only a certain period of time)... No cell phone (war in Congo)... Already, I don't have to go very far in my research that all of my daily time table in put into question. Anyways, I put that aside for now, but comments are welcome.
The original owner of Stoney Fields (organic yogurt company) had another moral obligation to point out. His company was bought up by Danone (giant yogurt company), yet he said he remained independent after the deal in his decision making. And in that sense, he said small organic companies had the moral obligation to show the way to giant companies. This mandate would foster an 'aggressive commitment' from these big companies, which would 'change the world'. Somehow, I feel uncomfortable with that. 'Big' means a lot of money and profit... To achieve this it seems to me like a lot of travelling needs to be done (for example). All this is done because people live in cities and have an urban lifestyle... I think a more fundamental shift is needed. What do you think? (notice how I'd like comments on this page?)
Vandana Shiva enumerated '3 Big Myths' of the 'vicious industrialized, globalized agriculture':
- Industrial and chemical agriculture (including GMO) produces more food.
- Globalized agriculture is based on competition
- It is self-generating surpluses
The disconnection between what we eat and how it is grown, is partly why we created this garden. Getting educated though practice.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Gardening at the Community Garden
The plot with a G-shaped path has been named Lady Bug in the honor of this beneficial insect, natural predator of the aphids. We thought this shape of path would maximize space on our plot. We created raised beds in this quite weedy plot to insure good drainage an early start for the seedlings... It has been so warm lately, that may have been a bad move for this season. It has been direct seeded May 18th with a few varieties of leafy greens (cress, buttercrunch) and sweet peas. We also transplanted basil quite close together to avoid weeding... we are going to see in the season if basil plants would of like more space or if this spacing helped them thrive. A few May Queen (lettuce) was donated to us by a fellow gardener (Branislav, thanks!). They seemed shocked today! It was quite warm. We watered several times to insure good infiltration.
The plot with a U-shaped path was named after an american (continent) bird, the Purple Martin. This bird feeds off flying insects... (see and so was considered an interesting predator to welcome in our gardens (but they do like bees... a good balance is what we are looking for). This plot was direct seeded with carrots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, parsnip and radish on May 18th.
Meditation/Medicinal Herbs/Permaculture Garden
We will keep on working on the design of the garden. Comments and critiques are welcome! We already have a few reservations ourselves. For example, the amount of work a rounded raised-bed figure would ask for is most probably considerable. Also the cost of materials... Which makes me think of hexagons! I was just reading this excellent comic book on honey bees, called Clan Apis by Jay Hosler, and it described how the cells in a comb are of hexagon shape for the most efficient use of space... But then again, I don't think we want a filled up space, but an efficient use of our materials. To be continued...
Here's a portion of the Mary H. Brown fund application that we submitted concerning the meditation garden... which is now called the permaculture garden to promote the practice of peri-urban permaculture:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Community Garden Plots
Earthworms, the agriculturist's friends
This picture was taken at 4 pm, so we can fairly assume a good part of the day, 2 of our plots are going to have shade from the tree west of the plots. We will take this into consideration when planning our crops' spacing.
The Meditation Garden - Before & ...
Tuesday May 11th -Working on a the greenhouse
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today its snowing. In the last 24h, the temperature dropped 17°Celsius!
Glad our seedlings are safe in the greehouse!
All our fund proposals are in, which gave us all a break to study for our finals. Last day of finals is friday the 30th. Then it's gardening time!!
On April 22nd, Myriam (watering) and I (looking up) seeded some more herbs, tomatoes, peppers (hot!), flowers and more! The thyme is already showing up! I received also our seed orders from Coop Tourne-sol, La Val'heureuse and Salt Spring Seeds! I want to thank our seed donors Steve Leckman and Caroline Begg! I also want to thank Anne-Sophie Tardif for her sweet potatoes from her plant propagation course (on the foreground of the picture with Myri)!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
MSEG : Primary Objectives
1. Address issues concerning sustainable food systems by:
- Improve access for the McGill and local community, to quality, sustainably grown, local foods
- Demonstrate the university’s first closed-circuit food system through cooperation with the student-run Mac Happy Belly and Gorilla Compost groups (please refer to Appendix B)
- Publicize these results and be an example to the community by providing their produce through the Ste. Anne’s Farmer’s Market and McGill Farmer’s Market
- Rehabilitate conventional agricultural land for preparation as an organic research field, which takes an average 3 years to become fully certified
This objective in particular will enhance the culture of sustainability at McGill and Macdonald.
2. Education and community outreach regarding ecological agriculture:
- Building on the foundation of education and outreach established by the former summer’s student garden such as
- Emphasize research projects already in the works such as vermicompost and pest control, and attract additional student and faculty research projects that require sustainably managed fields (i.e. UNIS)
- Connecting academic agriculture knowledge with the McGill and local community through workshops, lectures, meetings, demonstrations and publicity days
3. Engage the campus community in all aspects of ecological agriculture
- Providing a living classroom for many of the professors on campus, some of whom are already involved in the planning of this coming year’s plantation and management
- Establishing a profile as a club on campus to improve student accessibility
- Taking an active role in the Macdonald Food Systems Project to connect stakeholders such as the Horticulture Centre, the Farm, UNIS, etc.
- Employ motivated students to expand their field of knowledge in this area of extreme interest and importance to our global society
“… current cities are parasites that, unlike successful parasites in nature, have not evolved mutual aid relationships with their life-support host landscape that prevent the parasite from killing off its host and thereby itself.” Eugene Odum (1993)
Aldo Leopold
“Conservation is not merely a thing to be enshrined in outdoor museums, but a way of living on land.” –Game Cropping in Southern Wisconsin (1927)
“Cease being intimidated by the argument that a right action is impossible because it does not yield maximum profits, or that a wrong action is to be condoned because it pays. That philosophy is dead in human relations, and its funeral in land-relations is overdue.” –The Ecological Conscience (1947)
“The landscape of any farm is the owner’s portrait of himself. Conservation implies self-expression in that landscape, rather than blind compliance with economic dogma.” – The Farmer as a Conservationist (1939)